الفرق All right / Alright

All right / Alright

1) All right

Alright as too words is all right

This means that it is accepted as standard english and it is correctly used

هي كلمة بمعنى حسن جدا و أحيانا تستعمل بمعنى نعم

و إستعمالها على هذا الشكل أي في كلمتين منفصلتين (all right) صحيح

Example: The anwers are all right

This means that all of them are correct or that they are satisfactory on the whole

2) Alright

Alright is a nonstandard abbreviation meaning all right

This means that it is not accepted as standard english

هي أيضا تعني حسن جدا أو نعم

و لكن إستعمالها خاطئ في اللغة الانجليزية الصحيحة لأنها كلمة عامية

More Examples

wrong: I wouldn't say she's rich, but she's doing alright

correct: I wouldn't say she's rich, but she's doing all right

wrong: You can work at home? That's alright, isn't it

correct: You can work at home? That's all right, isn't it

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