ما هو الفرق بين It's or Its

It's or Its

1) It's

It's is a contraction meaning it is
هي عبارة عن فاعل it و فعل is

example: It's my favorite book
يعني المتكلم في هذه الجملة عن كتاب سبق التحدث عنه بأنه كتابه المفضل. it هنا تعود للكتاب و 's تعود للفعل is
2) Its

its is a possessive pronoun like his , your or my
its هي ضمير للملكية للأشياء غير العاقل فقط

example: Its color is red
لونه أحمر أي أن هناك شيء يعنيه المتكلم لونه أحمر. الهاء في لونه هي its في الانجليزية

more examples

correct: Its leaves are green
wrong: It's leaves are green

correct: It's Tom's idea
wrong: Its Tom's idea

correct: what is its name
wrong: what is it's name

correct: It's going to snow today
wrong: Its going to snow today

correct: It's beautiful
wrong: its beautiful

please note that with the sentences with it's there is no other verb
because we already have a verb which is 's

but with its we should have a verb in the sentence because the s here is not a verb

ملاحظة الجملة التي تتضمن its لا يوجد فيها فعل آخر لأن 's هي الفعل أما في جملة its فيجب أن يكون هناك فعل
لأن its ضمير و الضمير لا يغني عن فعل

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